Decoding Your Life
Feeling to thinking and thinking to feeling !
Recently one of my friends called me and asked: why is my life always with problems, you are a hacker right, so you just tell me how can I hack my life for better ?? I asked him what happened? He told, do you know what happened today? I couldn’t sleep yesterday night properly, and..
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Do you have control over your outer world
Do we have control ?
We may not able to control everything in our outer world, but surely we can control our inner world. It’s not so easy to not react, everybody reacts, even I do sometimes. But the question is how long are you going to react?. If you keep an emotional reaction going on for an extended period..
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What is a habit?
Why change is so hard ?
The common question people normally ask is, why changing a habit is so hard? How do you do it?So what is a habit? why we keep doing the same habits even we don’t like it?. A habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that acquired through repetition. Habit is something..
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